Making Math Meaningful: Fun with Puzzles, Games, and More!
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by Jamie York, Mich Follari, and Randy Evans
An inspirational and easy-to-use resource book for teachers of Grades 4-12 who want to add interest and engagement to maths lessons.
Are you looking for a new math challenge for your students?
Do you need a resource of ideas that will give your students the opportunity to experience the thrill of mathematics?
And, what about providing a good puzzle or game that will give everyone the understanding of true problem-solving?
Randy Evans, Mick Follari and Jamie York have combined their knowledge and skills to create a puzzle and game book that is a perfect reference for the math classroom and for middle school and high school teachers everywhere.
The Purpose of This Book
This book is intended as a resource for math teachers in grades four through twelve, in part, to supplement the normal classroom material, such as Our Making Math Meaningful™ middle school and high school workbooks.
There may be times when things seem to get dull and the students begin to lose their spark. It is then that the teacher knows it is time to do something different. This book provides ideas for that “something different.”
What Makes This Book Unique?
There are many math puzzle books available today. However, it can be daunting for a teacher (especially a teacher in the lower grades for whom math is not a specialty) to pick up a math puzzle book that consists of a couple hundred puzzles, and find a good one that would work well for tomorrow’s math class.
This book is specifically geared toward the teacher who needs to find an excellent puzzle or game for tomorrow’s math class. We have tried to limit the number of puzzles and games to just a few excellent ones. We have categorized the puzzles according to grade level.
More about this book:
- It is intended that all puzzles listed under the middle school years ought to be solved without the use of algebra. Several of the high school puzzles use some algebra.
- Any puzzle may also be used for grades older than what it is listed for.
- Solutions to every puzzle appears at the end of the book.
- The intention in this book is to have just a few excellent games for the teacher to choose from.
- Math Magic Tricks. These great attention-grabbers help to develop a sense of wonder for numbers. They are especially effective in grades 5-7, but can also be used in the higher grades as an interesting algebra exercise to show why a given math magic trick works.
- Classroom Activities. This is a modest collection of activities that could possibly turn out to be the highlight of the year for a math class.
Barb, a parent, writes: If you want to make math interesting to students (they say 4th through high school, it is a great resource for anyone wanting to make math more interesting).
This book has (all segmented by grade) puzzles, games, math magic tricks, classroom activities (and of course solutions for the over 200 puzzles, games etc.
Why this book? The authors have collected very good puzzles for each grade, with the intent to provide students with the experience of a mathematical thrill, NOT just memorizing rote procedures.
Want to bring your math classes alive? sprinkle in some of these teasers… Having watched how author Jamie York creates stories and challenges for his students, it makes me wish I had teachers as interesting and engaging as this.
Bust the myths of “math is hard” and “Math is not interesting” with the puzzles in this book!!
Jamie York math is suited to Waldorf education but is known for being rigorous, and is used by homeschoolers and classroom teachers across curricula and pedagogy.
Softcover, 174 pages.
5.5 x 8.5"
3rd Edition Published by Jamie York Press.
Printed in the Unites States.
About the Author
Jamie York is a Steiner-Waldorf maths teacher and consultant, and creator of the Making Maths Meaningful programme. Born in Maine, he has taught maths at Shining Mountain Waldorf School in Boulder, Colorado for over twenty years. He consults for a variety of schools in the USA and internationally, and serves on the faculty at the Centre for Anthroposophy in Wilton, New Hampshire, training Waldorf high school maths teachers.