Waldorf Grade 1


      Gentle exploration of the local natural environment helps children at this age bridge their inner and outer worlds.  Kinship and reverence and awe for nature and the seasons is central to activities.  Through storytelling, archetypes are revealed. Processing stories is aided by modelling with modelling wax (recommended for its warmth rather than the coolness of working with clay with comes in later years). Through form drawing, basic forms of straight and curved lines are explored.  In watercolour, more control of the way the paint spreads across the paper is explored.

      Capital letters with some sight words by the end of Grade 1, largely via practicing the same letters (which the form drawing begins the basis for), and then copying words and simple sentences into their own main lesson books.

      In mathematics: the quality of numbers, pattern and form, rhythmic counting and counting patterns, number bonds and tables, and the four processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

      For some, the introduction of a second language begins already in Grade 1.

      Handwork and crafts include knitting, with the basic knit stitch.  An idea is to introduce a pattern for a very basic rectangle with reducing some rows at the ends... and then at Christmas time, partway through Grade 1, the gift of a pentatonic flute... And Surprise!  What they've been knitting, thinking that they were only practicing the knit stitch, turns out to be a case for their flute.  An adult may help to 'sew' up the rectangle with some matching wool thread, and the child can finger knit a long handle, and select a nice button closure.


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