Modern sounds and the original power of music
For more than fifty years Choroi (musicians, teachers, therapists, instrument makers and co-workers from all over Europe) has been developing innovative musical instruments that inspire creative playing and deeper listening. The instruments enable a new approach to contemporary as well as elementary music. Today, Choroi has a worldwide name for its unique quality.
Giving sound a space
One of the special qualities of Choroi instruments is the uniquely ‘open’ sound that responds to the surrounding space. The interior of the instruments is designed with particular elements that contribute to this spatial experience of sound. Naturally, the materials, wood or metal, also play an important role. It is the inner quality of the material, its hidden soul that resonates, touching the inner string in the listener. This inner string comprehends music intuitively as a universal human experience.
We try to release the hidden powers of nature
Handcrafted from carefully selected materials, Choroi instruments reveal the unique and beautiful sound that lives within the metal or wood. Made of quality natural materials and easy to play in a range of creative ways, Choroi instruments are ideally suited for use in education and therapy.
The community experience
Making music together is a wonderful way of experiencing community. Making the instruments themselves is also a social process: our instruments are made in social-therapeutic settings in ten different workshops all over Europe. Each individual contributes in a creative way to the production process; human hands are involved from start to finish, from selecting rough wood to the finishing touches.
Music has a direct effect on children
Many Choroi instruments have been specially developed for use by and for children. For example the children’s pentatonic harps and lyres with their open resonance. Also the wide range of wooden flutes, from the interval and pentatonic flute, up to the new Alto F-flute, are made for increasing musical capabilities.