The interval and pentatonic flutes were specially developed for use by children, particularly in groups.
They each have *just one fingerhole*, allowing two notes in a fourth or fifth interval. Two or more players can easily play simple rhythmic or melodic patterns e.g., in a way of question-and-answer games. Differently tuned flutes can be combined in a group, to play elementary melodies up to a pentatonic scale.
d" - g" : Fingerhole closed = d''; fingerhole open = g'' (a=440Htz).
d" - a" : Fingerhole closed = d''; fingerhole open = a'' (a=440Htz).
e" - h" : Fingerhole closed = e''; fingerhole open = b'' (a=440Htz).
Solid pear wood treated with linseed oil. No tone block.
Comes with cleaning swab, flute bag, and manual.
Purchase individually, or as a set of 3.
As regular oiling is vital to the flute, we recommend our flute oil (item no. 55117500 / 55117600).
Made in Sweden.