Making Math Meaningful: A Sourcebook for Teaching High School Math
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By Jamie York
Did you ever wish you had a resource book with all the most awe-inspiring math you could bring into the classroom…all the stuff that standard high school math textbooks never have time for?
Our Source Book for Teaching High School Math is Jamieʼs best work yet! It took Jamie York thirty years to develop his Waldorf high school math curriculum. As well as standard math topics, this book is packed with material to inspire you and your students beyond the current mainstream norm.
Our tried and tested Waldorf high school math curriculum prepares students not just for college, but also for life!
This Source Book for High School Math includes:
- A math curriculum guideline for grades 9-12.
- An essential resource for use with our grades 9-12 workbooks.
- A generous mix of standard topics and little-known fascinating math gems.
- Ideas for all of the Waldorf math “main lessons” in grades 9-12.
- Includes an 11-page Introduction for the Teacher.
- Includes an 5-page Grade-by-Grade Overview.
View sample pages from this book in PDF Format.
Softcover, 235 pages.
8.5 x 11 inches.
Printed in the United States.
About the Author
Jamie York is a Steiner-Waldorf maths teacher and consultant, and creator of the Making Maths Meaningful programme. Born in Maine, he has taught maths at Shining Mountain Waldorf School in Boulder, Colorado for over twenty years. He consults for a variety of schools in the USA and internationally, and serves on the faculty at the Centre for Anthroposophy in Wilton, New Hampshire, training Waldorf high school maths teachers.