Techniques and tips for all levels of skill from beginner to advanced
A complete guide to the stitches, techniques, and finishing touches that every sewer needs to know.
Simple introductino to sewing by hand, and with a machine.
Whether you want to learn new techniques or brush up on the basics, this is the perfect reference guide to keep by your side as you sew. Step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow artworks show you how to master everything from preparing a pattern and cutting out your fabric, to applying zippers and making hems and darts. If you are a beginner, the first chapter takes you through all the tools you will need, including a sewing machine, pins, needles, and scissors. For experienced dressmakers, tips on French seams, making buttonholes, and topstitching will help you achieve a perfect finish. Whatever your skill level, this essential handbook will build your confidence and abilities, giving you all the foundations for creating beautiful projects.
Nest Notes: What we especially like about this book is how easy on the eyes the diagrams and photos are. This book is particularly nice for Grade 8 in Waldorf pedagogy, when students are studying the industrial revolution and are introduced to the sewing machine.
Softcover, 96 pages. 8.2 X 10.9 inches.
Published by Ryland, Peters, & Small.