Ostheimer's Good Wood
There is a comfort one feels holding a wooden figure from Ostheimer in the hand. All well considered before an Ostheimer figure is created and held in someone's hand is the type of wood sourced, the care in the stages of shaping and then painting the wood to bring a figure to life, and the particular colours and oils used.
European maple trees are normally the source that becomes Ostheimer wooden figures. There are just some, currently thirty-four to be precise, however, for which the thicker grain lines of wood from ash trees are chosen. Those include:
11751 Moorland Ram
11752 Moorland Sheep
11753 Moorland Lamb
1636 Frog
1637 Frog Jumping
16702 Wild Boar Sow
16703 Wild Boar
16705 Wild Boar small
2053 Ostrich
20901 Camel
20902 Camel small
20911 Dromedary
25092 Fir Tree Dwarves, the tree and the dwarves
2610 Rumpelstiltskin
3005 Grass
3030 Bird Tree with Support
30701 Spruce large
30702 Spruce tall, with support (Question mark, as it seems that this used to be made with maple, but can be found now made with ash?)
30703 Spruce small
3075 Tree support brown
3300 House, 4-parts
379112 Sword (for St Martin)
4060 Manger with Roof
41911 Camel with Saddle
41913 Dromedary with Saddle
42191 Camel with Saddle II
520 Natural Wood Dog (toddler collection)
525 Natural Wood Horse (toddler collection)
530 Natural Wood Rocking Rabbit (toddler collection)
550 Natural Wood Rocking Bear (toddler collection)
555 Natural Wood Bear running (toddler collection)
570 Natural Wood Dolphin (toddler collection)
66560 Manger Stable mini, 4 pieces
Not in production, but also of ash:
17501 Mountain Goat
22590 Walrus
22651 Musk Ox